Wonder Rethink Tinker Reinvent Play
“...order, abundance, and variety of materials create fertile ground for making meaning out of the pieces and parts of our collective lives”
-Bringing Learning To Life

Design Disrupted!
Incorporating key elements such as risky and free play, physical activity, time in nature, experiential learning, all foster creativity and provide an ideal environment.
Pushing the boundaries while empowering others to think outside the box!
Reinvigorate Environments
The Power of PLAY!
"The world needs adults who have the guts to speak up...to stand up and protect the PLAY rights for children. Play to a child is as critical as water is to a dolphin. When I talk about PLAY I mean free UNADULTERATED PLAY, CHILD chosen play: they choose where, they choose how. Not artificial activities, PURE authentic experiences from within the child, THEY are in charge of their IMAGINATION!"
-Roseville Early Years Consultancy
Trainings & Workshops
Being the Voice​
...So, perhaps it's time to re-imagine the insistence of 'demand' and to recognize that in the moment of choosing, children are making an unconscious shape of themselves. A child's plan is their route towards self-construction after all. We just need to demand more of ourselves perhaps: to look through eyes that look beyond the visible and see the possibilities that take shape when children have time to choose...
-Cloudbusting "Can I Go Play Now?"
We encourage audiences to embrace the process of play and learning and to shake up the traditional way of thinking!
Advocating & providing
opportunities for play